Arabic Language Speaking Course (3 levels)

Arabic Language Speaking Course (3 levels)

Arabic Language Course consists of three levels, Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. It is highly advised to complete all three levels in order to gain supreme command in all areas of language proficiency i.e. reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Arabic Language Basic Course (Level 1):

Arabic language course level 1 comprises of six months. After the completion of this basic course, students can not only easily converse in basic Arabic language but also read the text and comprehend its meaning. After completing 1st level, students gain 15% command over Arabic language.
Mr. Hafiz Abdul Hafeez is not a mere teacher; he also works on students’ confidence development side by side. He continuously encourages students to speak without hesitation and motivates them to clear their concepts by asking questions in the class. Apart from course books, he also includes topics from everyday life to make the learning process more relatable. This way, students learn faster and with greater enthusiasm, ultimately, accomplishing their goals at a faster pace and become confident speakers and proficient writers.
The basic Arabic language course is comprised of 3/6/9 months and students will be taught the following course.
After covering this course in 3/6/9 month’s period of time, students become able to grasp initial concepts required for absolute beginners to learn reading, writing and basic conversation.

Arabic Language Intermediate Course (Level 2):

Arabic language course level 2 comprises of six months. After completing level 2, students become able to read, write, converse and understand Arabic language to a greater extent. Apart from daily conversation, students can also comprehend the language used in Arabic cartoons and animated videos.

The Intermediate Arabic language course is comprised of 3/6/9 months and students will be taught the following course.

This level enables students at the intermediate proficiency level to further strengthen the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing in standard Arabic.

Arabic Language Advanced Course (Level 3):

Arabic language course level 3 comprises of six months. After completing level 3, students become fluent in spoken language and gain 20% command on over all language learning areas. They can write concise text on their own and can express themselves both in spoken and written language.

The Advanced Arabic language course is comprised of 3/6/9 months and students will be taught the following course.

Having completed Advanced Arabic course, students can speak Arabic fluently and without mistakes. They can express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much difficulty.