Hifz-ul-Quran Karim

Hifz Class Style With Additional Benefits

Hifz class comprises on the following four segments:
Competitions and assessment is a mandatory part of the Hifz class and can be enacted at any and all times during the class

Hifz-Ul-Quran Karim With Additional Benefits

Duration: 3 to 5 years | Days: 6 days a week

Hifz-e-Quran Course Route:

In Hifz-e-Quran course, students commence memorization of the Noble Quran Kareem with the aim of memorizing either the entire Quran Kareem or a pre-agreed number of chapters during the course of their enrolment at Al-Qalam Institute. Structured learning targets are set from the start to aid students towards achieving this goal. During a typical school day, students will recite their newly memorized lessons as well as two pre-agreed portions of revision to the teacher. Students are also taught advanced levels of Tajweed during their Hifz-e-Quran course.
With Al Qalam’s course, students will be able to read the Quran with modest and simple pronunciation techniques as well. All basic principles of Tajveed & pronunciation will be taught appropriately.

Hifz-e-Quran-Ul-Kareem Course Criteria for enrolment

Pupils who would wish to enrol for the Hifz-e-Quran Course will have to make a firm commitment for the entire period of course in order to meet their targets consistently. This will, InshaAllah, enable the achievement of completing Hifz-e-Quran of the Noble Quran Kareem with ease and efficiency.
Pupils will have to fulfil the Hifz-e-Quran Course entrance criteria, which consists of a written exam and an oral exam. Prospective pupils are expected to be able to recite the Quran Kareem fluently as well as demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of Tajweed, such as Makharij, Mudud, Wuqoof, Qalqala & Gunnah rules. They will also need to provide a reference letter from their previous/current Quran Kareem teacher/institute, who must affirm that the pupil is suitable for enrolment onto the Hifz-e-Quran Course.
Finally, it is of extreme importance that both parents and the pupil have a clear understanding of the level of commitment – and significant sacrifices – that will be required in order to achieve this honor and privilege. Parents and pupils also need to understand that they will need to strike the right balance between the Hifz-e-Quran Course and the National Curriculum subjects so that their academic progress is not adversely affected due to undertaking the Hifz-e-Quran Course. In order for a pupil to successfully complete the memorization of the entire Quran Kareem, she will be expected to memorize the amounts stated in the chart below on daily basis throughout the Hifz-e-Quran period. These targets may be revised in consultation with the Head of Hifz-e-Quran Studies and the Hifz-e-Quran teacher for pupils who may not be able to complete the entire Quran Kareem.

Hifz-e-Quran Learning Targets Chart

Year 1
Approx: 1 page per day (1 ¾ Juz)
Approx: 1 page per day (1 ½ Juz)
Approx: 1 ¼ pages per day (2 Juz)
Surah al-Baqarah to Surah anNisaa’
Year 2
Approx: 1 ¼ pages per day (2 ¼ Juz)
Approx: 1 ½ pages per day (2 ¼ Juz)
Approx: 1 ½ pages per d
Surah al-Ma’idah to Surah Yusuf
Year 3
Approx: 1 ½ pages per day (2 ¼ Juz)
Approx: 1 ¾ pages per day (2 ¾ Juz)
Approx: 2 pages per day (3 ¼ Juz)
Surah ar-Ra’d to Surah Luqman
Year 4
Approx: 2 pages per day (3 ½ Juz)
Approx: 2 pages per day (3 Juz)
Approx 2 pages per day (3 Juz)
Surah as-Sajdah to Surah an-Naas
Parents must understand that though they may choose an option from the available options, the acceptance on the preferred option remains at the discretion of the Head of Al-Qalam
Institute who reserves the right to withdraw a pupil from any programme in consultation with parents if it is felt that adequate progress is not being made, or if that continuing with the preferred option is adversely affecting a child’s academic progress.

Memorization of certain Surahs and various Sunnah du’as/adhkaar has been incorporated in both the all syllabi. Students will be required to complete a minimum of one level of these Surahs and du’as/adhkaar in each academic year.


Improve your recitation of the Qur’an by gaining mastery of the pronunciation and reading of the Arabic letters. This course includes mastery of the knowledge and application of the rules of tajweed. Topics covered include:

Points of Articulation


Course Schedule

Week TERM 1
Introduction to Tajweed
How Sounds are Made
Articulation Points of the Letters: Major Areas
Articulation Points of the Letters: Throat
Articulation Points of the Letters: Tongue
Articulation Points of the Letters: Lips
Paired Characteristics of the Letters
Unpaired Characteristics of the Letters
Qalqalah Mechanism
Thickening & Thinning Introduction
Thickening & Thinning: Rules for Laam, Medd, and Raa
Written Exam
Practical Exam